Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Visitors today

We had a few visitors today! A family came in with a bunch of presents for all the kids here in 1 North. The son has been a patient here and is diagnosed with ALL. He was in the hospital one year around the holidays and almost got stuck here for Christmas. His mom said it was tough on him and now 2 years into remission he wanted to come back and give gifts to all the children who are here now. It was so great to meet another mom who is going through the same situation as Daniel and me. I’m sure I will see her again at clinic, when your child is diagnosed you are automatically in this club with a whole bunch of other families. It’s a club that you never want to be a part of but the people are amazing. No one knows what you are going through like another mother does. This is similar with Autism as well. Wouldn’t it be awesome to meet another mom who as a child with Leukemia and Autism! If there are any out there feel free to share your story! Jillian was a bit moody when she got her toy today but here a snap shot of her!
Our other visitor was an old friend from the Military, Eric Cheung. Daniel was in the Marines with him and stationed together in South Carolina. I knew him when we were stationed on the Harry S. Truman together. It has been so many years since we had seen him so it was nice to see a friendly face here. We didn’t realize how close we were to him; he actually works right down the street from the hospital! It was a nice visit for Daniel and we hope to get to see him more. If you follow my blog Cheung, thanks for the visit! Next time let’s visit for longer!
So I was mistaken on what day we were on our chemo treatment so that means that Jillian is not going to be getting the Dasatnib tomorrow. She will not start it till Friday. Which means that she will be getting her major chemo drug, Vincrinstine as well as a new steroid, the medicine to help with the steroid, another medicine she takes only on the weekends AND the new drug. Friday they are really doping her up on these meds. I hope she can manage to take them all without getting sick.
Good news though is that I get to go pick up my mother tomorrow! I will be making a trip down to Santa Maria to drop off and pick up some stuff. We had left so suddenly when this all started that we weren’t able to get everything that we wanted. I decided to head down to get away for a few hours and it will be nice to visit with my mother. Plus she gets to come visit us here for a few days! Jillian is super excited, especially because Grandma is bringing her one of her favorite movies, THOR! We have been watching a lot of super hero movies since we have been here. She loves super heros!
Jillian picked out a few cute hats today. There are donations of hats where the nurses are and usually there are daily donations. We are allowed to pick out what ever hats Jillian likes and today she chose these three.
Anyone out there know how to knit? If so and you want to donate to an amazing little girl, her favorite colors are pink and purple! J We are stocking up for her so if her hair does fall out then we are ready!
I don’t really have much more to report so I am going to leave you with a bunch of funny faces and pictures that Jilly and I took today when we were acting silly!
Jilly multitasking, she can eat her breakfast and take vitals at the same time!



  1. Love the pictures! Does she get her silly faces from mommy? I can tell she gets her beauty from you. Continued prayers and positives thoughts and energy to Jillian, you and daddy. {{{{HUGS}}}} Wanda

  2. Shes so sweet! Hats are adorable. I wish I could knit!
