Sunday, January 20, 2013

A lot to report!

Its been a few days since I have gotten a chance to sit down and blog our time. There has been a lot going on this week! Please know that if I don't get around to blogging everyday its usually a good thing. When there is not a lot going on then I do not have a whole lot to post. Its been a busy week for us but as far as Jillian's treatment and health has gone, she is doing quiet amazing. Its so great to see her transforming back to herself. She is starting to slim back down to her pre steroids look. Her face is looking slimmer and I can actually get her into her jeans again! No more wearing just stretchy pants. She can once again button her tummy into regular jeans. Hooray! I know its not a huge accomplishment but its nice to see my daughter coming back to us visually. Her hair is still holding up and most people who see her do not even notice a difference in it. She had such thick luscious hair and I think because of this even though she has lost so much of her hair she still looks like she has so much. Thank goodness for those Mexican genes for her thick hair! Its the small things we have to be happy about! 

Well this Saturday was the Dance for Jillian fundraiser and i have to say that it went truly amazing! Thank you thank you thank you to every single person who came to support Jillian and to everyone who participated in making that day such a success (especially the instructors and all the employees at Tantrum Fitness) You all are such great people. Ive said it many times before but we are so very blessed! Jillian and I were even on the news. Thank you KSBY for coming out and doing a story on my daughter. Its so nice to get Cancer Awareness out there. Everyone needs to know how important it is to support Cancer Awareness  and everyone who is diagnosed with cancer, because you never know when it could hit home. I would never in a million years have thought my family and i would be on this journey. Its an eye opener for us for sure. Be grateful for everyday you have and hug your children close because things can change in an instant! 

As far as my sanity goes i have been hanging on by threads. Jillian has definitely been giving us a run for our money when it comes to taking her meds. She has been fighting us every step of the way and it has been so mentally exhausting. We have tried everything to get her to accept the fact that she will be taking her meds for a very long time but every single day it is just as hard as the day before to get her to take them. If it continues to be a tough battle we may have to resort to putting a tube in her nose and giving her her meds that way. I really do not want to resort to a nose tube but i also cannot continue to fight with her everyday.We have tried teach her to swallow pills and nothing seems to work. Today we went to the store and bought her an award chart and a pretty cool treasure chest. I filled the chest up with wrapped up toys and every time she takes her medicine she earns a marble for her chart. When she fills them up she gets something from the chest. A typical reward system. As of right now she loves it but I'm not sure how it will work for the future. We will try anything so this is the next step as of right now! Pray for the patience to come out in me so i do not have to resort to putting a tube in my daughters nose! 

Daniel has been home this week. He worked a few days of overtime but he has a few days off. Having him here is so nice because i have some help. We tend to to really well together as a team and support each other as much as possible. This week Jillian has a doctors appointment in Stanford on Tuesday. My mom and I are leaving tomorrow to stay the night because her appointment is really early. Daniel will be staying here with William so we are both not leaving him. We know he is having a hard time when we both are gone so hopefully this will help him. Its hard leaving him but at least this week it will only be for a day and half. 

Its been a good mellow busy week. I feel like we had so much going on but i think we just got back to normal this week. Jillian was her typical four year old self and it was great to see her happy and enjoying her childhood. She got to see some of her friends from school this week and had so much fun running around with them. We were able to spend time as a family this week and just do family stuff. No hospitals, doctors or stress. Just normalcy. So very nice! 

We got some more dinners this week from some great cooks! I don't think i thanked my wonderful BFF Ape for her awesome enchiladas she made us. Your going to have to make us some more soon!! Also to Miss Josie, Eva, Miss Sheere and Jewelee for taking time to think about us and get food to us. Thank you! Also a big thank you to Jillian's preschool New Life Preschool in Pismo Beach who gathered a very generous donation for Jillian. I couldn't believe the amount you raised when i opened the check! God Bless everyone who donated to us! I hope everyone had a great weekend and is enjoying a three day weekend. I am happy and content just being her with my amazing family and blessed that we had such a great week. NO FEVERS! All your prayers are working miracles so please keep them coming! Here are some pictures of the fundraiser and a few from our week. Have a happy Monday tomorrow! 

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