Thursday, December 13, 2012

Its someones birthday today!

We had a good night last night, Jillian was acting more herself than the last few days. We giggled and laughed while we laid in bed together and watched Arthurs Christmas. She’s really into Christmas this year so it’s hard to still be here when she just wants to be home and wait for Santa. This year she wants to make cupcakes for Santa instead of cookies. We hope to be home in time for him. She insists that I sleep with her every night in her tiny hospital bed. She tells me to hold her like Grandma does, I thank my Mother for holding her every night she stayed with her because being able to do this for her while she is sick is very nice. Here is Jilly and her Grandma the day Daniel and I got married.

Today is her daddy’s birthday so she woke up really excited to tell him Happy Birthday and celebrate a little. The doctors did their rounds today and basically told us that it was going to be an easy day with a few of her regular meds. We are grateful for an easy day especially because its Daniels birthday! Theres not a whole lot we can do here and not that much to celebrate but Jilly is very excited. Daniel is happy to have his parents here with him as well. Every time he sees his mommy he turns into a Momma's Boy!

We had to take Jillian in to get an X-ray of her hand today. Some of the medicines that she will be taking can do damage to her bone density so they wanted to get a picture of what her hand looks like now so we can go back and make sure there is no major damage happening. She had anxiety going in but I reassured her that there would be no “pokeys” and no medicine. We finally got into the X-ray room and all they needed to do was take one picture of her hand. She did great but was still hesitant a bit because it was unknown to her. After the picture was taken they allowed her to go look at her hand and she was so excited to see her X-ray! They even let me take a picture of her hand so she could look at it later and I could share it with everyone!

She was so very excited and left with a sticker for herself, a teddy bear and a Captain America sticker she gave to her daddy for his birthday. Even through her mask you could see her excitement! We have to be grateful for the little things she enjoys and all the wonderful doctors and nurses that are here taking care of her. Stanford is really a topnotch hospital! The rest of our day will consist of hanging out and trying to get her to drink her fluids and take walks. I am going to post a side message and keep her ANC numbers updated daily. As of today she is at 200. We need to reach 500 in order to be able to go home. Fingers crossed we will reach 500 before Christmas!

She got to meet Santa a few days ago. She asked him for a Princess Kitchen!

I was also sent a picture of William from his Papa, William got to meet Santa too at his school field trip. We are very sad to not be able to take him ourselves but we know we are needed here and William is being very well cared for.  

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