Sunday, December 16, 2012

Got to get her numbers up!

Well we woke up to the bad news that Jillian’s count went down to 70. This basically means that Jillian has absolutely no immune system right now. Any little virus or anything can give her an infection and keep us here longer! I think we are just going to keep her in her room all day so we do not risk any kind of illness. The doctors will be doing rounds here soon and I did a little research that there is some medicine that can help boost her numbers. I spoke with the nurse and she said that they do give kids that medicine to help them but that they like to wait to see if their body will build their immune system on their own. So I understand why we have not been told about the medicine. So I’m sure that will be our next step today. The reason why her numbers are falling is because the chemo she is taking is fighting her white blood cells. What the chemo does is fights and kills the Leukemia cells but it cannot distinguish between good and bad cells. So it just kills of everything. So in a way the medicine is working because its killing everything off but her body is not regenerating her white blood cells fast enough to reboost itself. So I will let everyone know what the doctors say and what our next game plan is!

Yesterday we were able to get out again and go to the kids play room. She was the one who actually asked to go up and play so we were excited to hear her want to go instead of us trying to get her to go out. We had such a fun time there, there’s always a good amount of children and their parents up there too but there are so many toys and games to play with that it is still fun for her. Even when we are surrounded by many other kids and parents it feels like the world is gone and it’s just me, Jill and her dad up there. We played with the doll house she loves, the kitchen, Lego’s and played a few board games. It was a lot of fun and felt normal. Here’s our cool Lego world we made!
One good thing that we do have to report is that Jillian’s vitals have been holding up. Her blood pressure is great and she has yet to have a fever since we have been here. That could be because they have had her on antibiotics since we arrived here but I like to think it’s because we have been doing so well on keeping things clean and her away from any germs and such! That’s gotta be the reason why!! She tends to get really sleepy around the afternoon time and she has been napping daily. Her body is going through so much stuff and we allow her to get as much rest as possible! Here’s my little angel sleeping. Shes such a precious child!
Jilly got weighed today and I was surprised to see that she lost 3 pounds. She is and still will be on steroids for the rest of the month and the steroids make her eat a lot more. Which she does and still she lost some weight. I’m hoping that her weight doesn’t continue to fall. She needs to keep up as much strength as possible; we have a very long road ahead of us! She has been obsessed with eating hot dogs lately, every meal she wants a hot dog. She says that hot dogs don’t hurt her when she eats them, she is starting to get sores in her mouth because of the chemo so when we find a food that she says doesn’t hurt, then we run with it!
Jillian eating her hot dog and chips


  1. Dear Rosemary, So sorry you have to go through all this. Your daughter is adorable. I think it helps not to look too far ahead...take one step at a time. I will keep you and Jillian in my prayers. Call anytime.
    Rosanne Salcido (Dina's mom)

  2. Thank you so much. We can use all the prayers we can get! Jillian is a pretty amazing child and we know that she will get through this. Its going to be a long and difficult time but we have a strong family so we will be fine! I hope you are well! And congrats on your new grandbaby to come!


    1. Thank you! We are looking forward to a little girl.
