Thursday, February 7, 2013

Long long days

It's been a week and we are still here In Stanford. It's been a few days with it being just Jill and I. It's hard being here alone with her since I really can't leave and if I need to a nurse has to sit with her. I have been making her go on long walks around the hospital so she gets some exercise in. We go to the play room on a daily basis if not twice a day. We also go to the library a lot and check out books and movies. She's doing really well this time. She looks great still and most of her flu symptoms have gone except for her cough. All we are doing is waiting for her ANC to go up. She is sitting at about 52 today and all her other numbers are staying the same as well. We are only testing her blood every other day now because everyday probably won't show any major results. It's discouraging but also encouraging since low numbers mean the chemo is working. Wish we could have rode out her low numbers back at home! We will probably be here throughout the weekend and maybe into next week. I received the roadmap for next months treatment today. Depending on her bone marrow aspiration after this month she will be in consolidation which is the phase that will work to keep her in remission. After consolidation then it is maintenance. It's our goal to get her there and she is definitely well on her way! The first week of her next month will require her to be inpatient to receive all her chemo so I'm hoping to be able to get home before that starts so we can at least have a break from the hospital! Although we love everyone that we work with up here, the doctors and nurses have been amazing, we are both very homesick and miss our boys very much. Can't wait to get home!

Yesterday when I was face timing with William Daniel had a wonderful surprise for me. William is actually saying his name! It sounds so beautiful coming out of his mouth and I am so happy he is progressing everyday even though our life is chaos right now! His teacher also mentioned that he was singing his ABCs in class today too. He loves his ABCs I'm so happy to hear that he is doing so well. It's very tough for me to not be there with him when before jilly got cancer my whole life was autism. I was that mom who was always there for him and now I barely get to take him to school. I miss being able to do that for him and hoping soon I can be there for him too.

So were still stuck here for at least a few more days. Send Jill all your prayers tonight for her numbers to go up! The nurses tell us that we need to do the ANC dance so Jill and I are very tempted to dance around our bed chanting an ANC song! Anything to get her numbers up! Hope everyone is well!

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys and miss you. Hey! Those look like magnaformers! All the kids love those, Teo, Will and Jilly. Very cool.
