Friday, March 22, 2013

Long long long night.

So we are back inpatient today. Jill had been feeling warm yesterday and her labs showed that she had a zero ANC still. I kept an eye on her yesterday and at about 730 she started to get chills. Now when they are teaching you about what to watch out for when you have a child with cancer, chills is high on the top of the list. So I called the pediatric oncologist on call at packard and the second I told her jilly was getting chills she told me to get her to the ER. So we headed to the ER and got her all checked in. They started her on antibiotics to help with any type of bacteria she may have gotten. They did labs and cultures so they can see what specifically she may have. We won't know for a few days so right now they are continuing her on broad antibiotics to fight off anything. She is still in so much pain from mouth sores and leg pain. They have her on some pain meds that are really helping her but its a fight to get her to take them! But ten minutes after she takes them she feels better and is able to be herself. Right now she is doing good. She hasn't gotten any more chills and her labs came back with low hemoglobin so she will be getting a transfusion today. Im hoping it will help with her energy because she is just super tired. As am I as well. They may not keep us too long this stay because she has not ran a fever and if her cultures come back good then they may let us go home. I am hoping she gets discharged because she is really excited that her cousin is coming up to visit this weekend and she needs a pick me up! So send all those prayers that she continues to look good and doesn't get a fever!!

1 comment:

  1. Still praying. P.U.S.H. Pray until something happens. Ms. Sheere
